Limmat Valley Diary - Alec Soth

Emma Kunz Center, Würen­los
Sep­tem­ber 14, 2024 – Decem­ber 31, 2025
Tue – Sun, 12.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Ver­nis­sage: Satur­day, Sep­tem­ber 14, 11.30 a.m.

The Ame­ri­can pho­to­grapher Alec Soth (*1969) ori­gi­na­tes from Min­nea­po­lis, where he still lives and works today. Soth is a member of Magnum, the legen­dary agency that sees pho­to­gra­phy as a medium of social enga­ge­ment. In his pho­to­gra­phic stu­dies, he devo­tes hims­elf to people, land­scapes or scenes that at first glance appear unspec­ta­cu­lar. And he focu­ses on life­styles that are some­ti­mes on the mar­gins of society.

Since the publi­ca­tion of his long-term pho­to­gra­phic obser­va­tion of people living on the Mis­sis­sippi («Slee­ping by the Mis­sis­sippi», 2004), Soth has been one of the most out­stan­ding pho­to­graph­ers of our time. He shows rea­lity as it is: In con­trast to the report­ing of other visual media, which aims for sen­sa­tio­na­lism and viewer ratings, he does not take a voy­eu­ristic or pathe­tic look at people or things, but simply tells their story. He simply pho­to­graphs people in their living spaces – and these are socio-poli­ti­cal rea­li­ties that are rarely of inte­rest to the mass media.

Invi­ted to work in the Limmat Valley as part of ART FLOW, Alec Soth took the spe­ci­fic energy of the Emma Kunz Center in Würen­los as the start­ing point for a pho­to­gra­phic jour­ney of dis­co­very. He was impres­sed by the power of the place and the fasci­na­tion of the visi­tors, some of whom come from far and wide to engage with the Emma Kunz Grotto. Based on this the­ma­tic focus, the artist worked in the Limmat Valley in spring 2024.

He visi­ted people who deal pro­fes­sio­nally with the sub­ject of energy and heal­ing – for­tune tel­lers, forest bathers, shamans, plant hea­lers, hyp­no­tists, medi­ums, etc.. He immer­sed hims­elf in their working rea­li­ties, expo­sed hims­elf to their spe­ci­fic prac­ti­ces and por­trayed people in their extra­or­di­nary world. The result was a diary, the «Limmat Valley Diary». The pho­to­gra­phic diary, sup­ple­men­ted by the artis­t’s hand­writ­ten thoughts and impres­si­ons, pro­vi­des a spe­cial view of the Limmat Valley, show­ing us a scene, indeed a cul­ture, that often ope­ra­tes in secret. «Limmat Valley Diary» docu­ments a pho­to­gra­phic jour­ney that explo­res the rela­ti­onship bet­ween land­scape and people and the energy that lies within it. Soth says: «This work is about the res­to­ra­tive power of tac­tile encoun­ters with place».

The exhi­bi­tion is a coope­ra­tion bet­ween ART FLOW and the Emma Kunz Center.

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