
Sup­port­ers and Initia­tors
ART FLOW was initia­ted by the City of Zurich. Its main finan­cial backers, along­side the City of Zurich, are the Canton of Aargau and the Canton of Zurich. The ART FLOW pro­ject also has its own, epony­mous, sup­port­ing asso­cia­tion.


Exe­cu­tive Com­mit­tee

Markus Schnei­der
Mayor, Baden (Pre­si­dent)

André Oder­matt
City Con­cil­lor, Zurich (Vice Pre­si­dent)

Roland Kuster
Mayor, Wet­tin­gen

Rahel von Planta
Mayor, Oetwil an der Limmat

Martin Uebel­hart
Mayor, Neu­en­hof

Andreas Vogel
Head of the Depart­ment of Cul­tu­ral Ana­ly­sis, ZHdK

Advi­sory Com­mit­tee

Chris­toph Dos­wald
Cura­tor ART FLOW, Zurich (Chair)

Jürg Fritz­sche
Repre­sen­ta­tive of Visa­rte Aargau

Daniela Hall­auer
Deputy Mana­ging Direc­tor of Regio­nale 2025, Zurich

Sara Izzo
Direc­tor of the City of Zurich’s KiöR office

Monica Ursina Jäger
Repre­sen­ta­tive of Visa­rte Zürich

Juri Stei­ner
Direc­tor of Musée can­to­nal des Beaux-Arts, Lau­sanne


Chris­toph Dos­wald
Cura­tor ART FLOW

Dr. Esther Nägeli
Gene­ral Mana­ger ART FLOW

Petra Wini­ger Østrup
Person in charge of art media­tion ART FLOW

Merlin Pohl

Elisha Posn­an­ski
Intern art media­tion ART FLOW

Gio­nina Kruger
Intern art media­tion ART FLOW

ART FLOW is part of Regio­nale 2025. The initia­tive Regio­nale 2025, Limmat Valley pro­ject exhi­bi­tion’ was laun­ched in 2015 as a means of, among other things, con­vey­ing a trans-com­mu­nal per­spec­tive on the entire region along the Limmat River and, as can be read on the initiative’s web­site, to enhance the image of the Limmat Valley”.

Its epony­mous asso­cia­tion is sup­ported by 17 com­mu­nes, towns and cities, as well as the can­tons of Aargau and Zurich. Regio­nale 2025 is inten­ded to serve as a driver of sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment in the Limmat Valley. Its acti­vi­ties help to give the region a broadly visi­ble iden­tity.”

More about ART FLOW