GLACIER BLOCKS - Lara Almarcegui

Lara Alm­ar­ce­gui

GLA­CIER BLOCKS is an inter­ven­tion in public space con­cei­ved by the Spa­nish artist Lara Alm­ar­ce­gui (*1972), which was rea­li­zed as part of the Art Flow pro­ject. The instal­la­tion con­sists of a dedi­ca­ted arran­ge­ment of large and medium-sized bould­ers from a local gravel pit. The artist thus refers to the signi­fi­cance of the gla­ciers for the for­ma­tion of the Limmat Valley – in both its topo­gra­phi­cal and built form.

The instal­la­tion is loca­ted on Tur­bi­nen­platz in Zurich. This loca­tion con­text in Zurich-West is essen­tial for the per­cep­tion of GLA­CIER BLOCKS. With this work, Alm­ar­ce­gui, who has alre­ady worked at the Venice Bien­nale and the Vienna Seces­sion with her strong spa­tial inter­ven­ti­ons, refers to the buil­ding boom and the dyna­mic urban deve­lo­p­ment of recent years, which can be expe­ri­en­ced more directly in Zurich-West than any­where else in the city.

The art­work will deve­lop in three phases over a period of nine months; bould­ers from the Täger­hard gravel works in Wet­tin­gen will be brought to Zurich in three stages. The instal­la­tion will grow over the course of the exhi­bi­tion period.