Michel Comte - CLEARINGS

Michel Comte

The Swiss artist Michel Comte (*1954) became known for his por­traits and fashion shoots. Since the 2010s, howe­ver, Comte has incre­asingly focu­sed on eco­lo­gi­cal issues, in par­ti­cu­lar the con­se­quen­ces of cli­mate change for nature and society. Fol­lo­wing museum exhi­bi­ti­ons in Istan­bul, Rome and Milan, among others, Comte has deve­lo­ped a site-spe­ci­fic inter­ven­tion for out­door spaces for the first time as part of ART FLOW. In col­la­bo­ra­tion with the Japa­nese archi­tect Yuichi Kodai, a multi-part art inter­ven­tion was crea­ted in the Die­ti­kon forest.

A beau­tiful forest in faithful hands delights the eye and pro­tects the land” is the motto of the Die­ti­kon Holz­kor­po­ra­tion. Michel Comte has taken this motto as the start­ing point for an art pro­ject that deals with the evo­lu­tio­nary cha­rac­ter of the forest – with the beco­ming, being and pas­sing away that can be seen in the cycles of nature. The title of the art­work is CLEA­RINGS and makes it clear that the artist demands a pro­cess of awa­re­ness from the viewer.

Comte says: I believe in the trans­for­ma­tive power of art, espe­ci­ally when it is shown in uncon­ven­tio­nal places.” The artist has eva­lua­ted a series of trees that are at the end of their life cycles along an appro­xi­m­ately three-kilo­me­ter-long trail. These tree stumps and trunks fea­ture shapes shaped by wind and wea­ther and were covered with a fine copper foil by Comte for the dura­tion of the exhi­bi­tion. This pre­cise inter­ven­tion brings a spe­ci­fic level of per­cep­tion to the forest: depen­ding on the season, the copper sculp­tures crea­ted by nature mani­fest them­sel­ves in a new set­ting, so that there is always a dif­fe­rent focus on the chan­ging qua­li­ties of the forest. It is important to treat our planet with care,” says Comte, and to find sus­tainable ways to expe­ri­ence its won­ders.”

CLEA­RINGS was crea­ted in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the archi­tect Yuichi Kodai and Géral­dine Eli­as­son’s R3a Neu­en­hof school class.

A spe­ci­fic media­tion pro­gram is offe­red along­side the pro­ject.