
A Special Art Project by Melanie Sterba

The Spe­cial Edi­tion – ART FLOW is a unique art pro­ject fea­turing 10,000 hand­craf­ted minia­ture sculp­tures made from recy­cled tin. The artist Mela­nie Sterba has desi­gned the figu­res in ten varia­ti­ons and dis­tri­bu­ted them throug­hout the Limmat Valley.

What’s the story behind these figures?

Take-Away-Art invi­tes you to dis­co­ver art and inter­act with it. Whoe­ver finds a figure gets to decide: Take it and keep it, gift it, or place it some­where new – whe­ther nearby, in ano­ther coun­try, or even on ano­ther con­ti­nent.

How do you recognize a Take-Away-Art figure?

Each sculp­ture car­ries two mar­kings on the under­side of the base: The Art Flow flag and the artist’s signa­ture.

You’ll also find a number on the bottom of the figure, which allows you to create a per­so­nal cer­ti­fi­cate here.