
Taiyo Onorato

Panel discussion

Wasserkirche Zürich
Limmatquai, Altstadt 31, 8001 Zürich
Do, 2.5.2024, 7 pm

In a con­ver­sa­tion bet­ween the artist Taiyo Ono­rato, the river bio­lo­gist Chris­tine Weber from the ETH Water Rese­arch Insti­tute and Mat­thias Oplatka from the rena­tu­ra­tion pro­ject «Leben­dige Limmat», the Limmat, as the center of the ART FLOW pro­ject, will be exami­ned aes­the­ti­cally, bio­lo­gi­cally and hydro­lo­gi­cally.


Taiyo Ono­rato, Artist

Dr. Chris­tine Weber, river eco­lo­gist, Eawag (water rese­arch insti­tute of the ETH)

Dr. Mat­thias Oplatka, Head of the Con­s­truc­tion Sec­tion in the Hydrau­lic Engi­nee­ring Depart­ment of the Canton of Zurich, PL Deputy for the » Leben­dige Limmat» pro­ject

Mode­ra­tion: Petra Wini­ger Østrup, respon­si­ble for art media­tion at ART FLOW