
If you follow the river long enough

Guided Tour

Projektraum Dietikon, Kaufhaus Regina
Zentralstrasse 12, 8953 Dietikon
Fri, 29.11.2024, 6 pm

Guided Tour by the Cura­to­rial Team

A wet clap, a ripp­ling echo, swir­ling, splas­hing, gli­ding – a figure that lin­gers in both water and land, moving in-bet­ween, safe­kee­ping the river and cal­ling you closer, shapes­hif­ting, fierce, they can be one and the other.

In «If you follow the river long enough» with Die­ti­kon Pro­jekt­raum we sug­gest to sub­vert the con­ven­tio­nal nar­ra­tive of the mer­maid: con­dem­ned seduc­tive and by that dan­ge­rous, muti­la­ted for sci­en­ti­fic endea­vors, called decep­tive as their appearance is not one, labe­led ant­onym to purity and virtue, objec­ti­fied and sexua­li­zed in adver­ti­se­ments. Fol­lo­wing this figure gives a chance to look behind the shi­ning curtain of power thirst­ing to master and pos­sess, reve­al­ing the actors of sto­ries and his­to­ries that shape the nar­ra­tive of con­trol over bodies, in an all-encom­pas­sing sense of the word.

Fea­turing the work of Seba Cal­fu­queo, Magali Dou­goud, Mar­ga­re­tha Jüng­ling, Lila-Zoé Krauß and Sohorab Rabbey the exhi­bi­tion includes scree­nings, archi­val mate­ri­als, and over­views of cul­tu­ral refe­ren­ces.

Cura­ted by Angela Fusco, Mira Tyrina and Olga Popova.
Men­to­red by Kim Anni Bassen, Paloma Ayala, Anselm Franke.