
F+F Zürich

Panel discussion

Kunstraum Baden
Bruggerstrasse 37, 5400 Baden
Do, 1.2.2024, 7 pm

F+F Photo exhi­bi­tion Kunst­ge­schich­ten:
Ate­liers im Lim­mat­tal

Panel dis­cus­sion
«Artists in their socio-cul­tu­ral envi­ron­ment»

For the first panel dis­cus­sion on the occa­sion of the F+F photo exhi­bi­tion Kunst­ge­schich­ten: Ate­liers im Lim­mat­tal, cen­tral topics of the pro­fes­sion of «artist» will be high­ligh­ted. Par­ti­ci­pants from various fields of art will dis­cuss the self-image of artists, the socio­logy of artists and the posi­tion of artists in society. Oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges in the edu­ca­tion of artists will also be addres­sed, such as the aca­de­miza­tion of art edu­ca­tion.


Chris­toph Lang, Rector F+F School of Art and Design

Patri­zia Keller, Head of Kunst­raum Baden

Beat Zode­rer, Artist from the Limmat Valley

Klodin Erb, Artist from Zurich

Mode­ra­tion: Petra Wini­ger Østrup