Wasser Welt - Taiyo Onorato

For ART FLOW, Swiss artist Taiyo Ono­rato is show­ing his video instal­la­tion «Wasser Welt» at Zurich’s Was­ser­kir­che. In his pro­ject, the artist focu­ses on the river space that the Limmat has crea­ted over mil­li­ons of years. The deci­dedly chosen change of per­spec­tive below the sur­face of the water crea­tes new access and visi­bi­lity of life in and around the river. Water is also pre­sent in the exhi­bi­tion space: Ono­rato runs the results of his video rese­arch through an inge­nious, instal­la­tive com­plex, the cen­ter­piece of which is a repur­po­sed aqua­rium. This crea­tes an immersive, multi-per­spec­tive per­cep­tual space in the Was­ser­kir­che that invi­tes visi­tors to expe­ri­ence unu­sual views of the river.

Taiyo Ono­rato (*1979 in Zurich) stu­died pho­to­gra­phy at the Zurich Uni­ver­sity of the Arts. Tog­e­ther with the artist Nico Krebs (*1979 in Win­ter­thur), Ono­rato appeared as an artist duo from 2003 to 2024. The suc­cess of their work has taken them to various renow­ned exhi­bi­tion venues in Switz­er­land: Kunst­mu­seum Thun (2006), Kunst­haus Aarau (2009), Foto­mu­seum Win­ter­thur (2009), Museum im Bell­bark Kriens (2011). The artist duo gained inter­na­tio­nal reco­gni­tion with solo exhi­bi­ti­ons at PS1 MoMA in 2006 and the Swiss Insti­tute in New York in 2008. The pro­ject at the Was­ser­kir­che is Taiyo Ono­ra­to’s first solo exhi­bi­tion after the dis­so­lu­tion of the working group.