Kunstgeschichten: Ateliers im Limmattal

Who are the Limmat Valley artists? Where do they work? What occu­p­ies them? These and other ques­ti­ons are addres­sed in the pho­to­gra­phic rese­arch that can be seen in the exhi­bi­tion rea­li­zed by ART FLOW at Kunst­raum Baden.

On the initia­tive of the ART FLOW asso­cia­tion, eleven gra­dua­tes of the pho­to­gra­phy class at the F+F School of Art and Design, under the direc­tion of Marc Latzel, por­trayed artists working in the Limmat Valley. The stu­dents used pho­to­gra­phic means to inves­ti­gate the studio and work situa­tions of artists. The resul­ting images give an idea of the diver­sity of artis­tic fields and rea­li­ties. The look behind the scenes docu­ments the pro­fes­sion of the artist and shows the work on and with art as a work pro­cess. Crea­tive acti­vi­ties are meaningfully loca­ted through these pho­to­gra­phic rese­arch works.

In order to make the some­ti­mes very dif­fe­rent studio situa­tions spa­ti­ally tan­gi­ble, the exhi­bi­tion is con­cei­ved as a mul­ti­ple pro­jec­tion. The con­crete mate­ria­lity of the inves­ti­ga­ted workspaces is also reflec­ted in the instal­la­tive struc­ture of the pre­sen­ta­tion form. The artists› stu­dios can be phy­si­cally expe­ri­en­ced through this pre­sen­ta­tion con­cept.

Pho­to­graph­ers: Laurin Blei­ker, Jasmin Egger, Alina From­melt, Wynona Hol­len­stein, Morris Köchle, Flu­rina Kühne, Fiona Neu­hau­ser, Tanja Schätti, Enya Seiler, Irina Stö­cker and Alissa Strässle

Fea­tured artists: Anne­ma­rie Auer, Klodin Erb, Bob Gramsma, Clare Good­win, Lucia Lechuga, Ber­nard Meier, Ruth Maria Obrist, Jules Spi­natsch, Una Sze­e­mann, Pedro Wirz, Beat Zode­rer