Art Flow

A brief explanation

ART FLOW is a gro­wing art pro­ject that is gra­du­ally evol­ving. From 2023 to 2025, around 30 site-spe­ci­fic works will be crea­ted for the Limmat Valley. The area bet­ween Zurich’s Bel­le­vue and the Was­ser­schloss in Aargau will be the focus of a wide variety of artis­tic inter­ven­ti­ons.

The art­works are open to the public and invite visi­tors to dis­co­ver the Limmat Valley.

ART FLOW is taking place as part of Regio­nale 2025.

In detail

Over the course of three years (2023 to 2025), ART FLOW will focus on the entire 36-kilo­me­ter-long Limmat Valley. Bet­ween where the river flows out of Lake Zurich at Bel­le­vue and where it joins the River Aare at Lauf­fohr, around 30 site-spe­ci­fic art­works will gra­du­ally be placed that deal with this cul­tu­ral, eco­no­mic and living space, which is exem­plary for many cur­rent issues and deve­lo­p­ments. At the same time, a large-scale pho­to­gra­phic field study will be car­ried out: «The Limmattal(ers)». The aim is to use art to pro­mote a deeper awa­re­ness of the Limmat Valley and streng­then its iden­tity.

The ART FLOW pro­ject pro­vi­des low-thres­hold access to art and cul­ture for all levels of society. By enga­ging with art and its multi-laye­red con­texts, it raises awa­re­ness of regio­nal living envi­ron­ments. A com­pre­hen­sive and mul­ti­face­ted edu­ca­tio­nal pro­gram pro­vi­des access to the themes and works. By actively enga­ging with the art objects, ima­gi­na­tion and crea­ti­vity are encou­ra­ged and dis­cus­sions sti­mu­la­ted. The cul­tu­ral edu­ca­tion pro­gram is a pro­fi­ta­ble invest­ment in the future of cul­tu­ral par­ti­ci­pa­tion.

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